We became aware of an emergency rescue of multiple mums and kittens at a property in Devon. Hector's House Residents (HHR), Torquay, was the amazing small rescue stepping up to help these poor cats. We were delighted to help HHR with some of their costs through an emergency £500 Angel Grant. Their vital, lifesaving work reminds us of the importance of neutering and adoption. So many situations like this could be prevented if people neutered and chipped their companion cats (animals) in the first place, preventing them from becoming strays and producing endless litters of kittens born into a cycle of suffering.
Here is some of the lovely feedback from HHR and its volunteers:
"I'd really like to say a very big thank you to The Sanctuary Angels for an incredible emergency grant of £500... All cats are booked in for neutering."
"As a part-time volunteer of the charity with the kittens, I want to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU. I wish I could express how touched and grateful I am, and how undeniably grateful the charity must be for your very generous donation. After reading about you and everything you do I’m so thankful you’re here for the world. And also a MASSIVE THANK YOU to your supporters who donated to make your charity achievable. You are a bright light on whoever you choose to help. I don’t have the words except thank you for helping us and others."
"Thank you! Your generous offer of a lovely donation made my eyes leak. I volunteer for Hector's House. Thank you again. Sat here crying at my desk at work xx"
Hector's House website: hectorshousecatrescue.co.uk